Thursday, March 18, 2010

Confessions of a stay at home mother

What is it to be a mother? is it spit up stains on your clothes? the fact that getting poop on your hand doesn't phase you? what about your tolerance... i know mine went way way way up, especially once my son hit 1 year of age.

My name is Kelly and i am 24 almost 25. I have a 15 month old son named Erik Draven (yes after the movie "the crow". We live in Virginia (yes make all the jokes you want, I will join you).

I am the not so normal person. I want to seem normal to Erik but i doubt that is going to happen. I am not so great socially, saying what is on my mind/the truth when it is not called for. I suck at making friends and getting my points across. I also suck at capitalizing at the beginning of sentences.

I started this blog out of boredom. I always make fun of those with blogs and still do and still will. (I am allowed to make fun of myself). If you actually choose to continue reading this, you will hear language not suitable for little eyes, my point of views (that may differ from yours). You may be offended, you may wonder how someone so cold could exist but I assure you I am just honest and if you look deep down inside yourself you MAY realize you too share these feelings (maybe not but who cares) but most of you will. I have been told i say out loud what many are thinking and if not... well this is me. Like it or not.

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